Class 8 Maths

Class 8 (All topics)

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Rational Numbers
   Standard Form of a Rational Number
   Representation of Rational Numbers on the Real Line
   Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers
   Subtraction of Rational Numbers
   Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers
   Rational Numbers Lying between Two Rational Number
   Simplifying Rational Numbers
   Word Problems on Rational Numbers
Linear Equations in One Variable
   Solving Linear Equations by the Method of Transposition
   Word Problems Based on Linear Equations
Understanding Shapes
Practical Geometry
   Construction of a Quadrilateral
Data Handling
   Frequency Distribution
   Bar Graphs
   Pie Charts
Squares and Square Roots
   Square of a Number
   Square Root
   Word Problems On Squares And Square Roots
Cubes and Cube Roots
   Cube of a Number
   Cube Root
   Word Problems on Cubes and Cube Roots
   Percentage of a Quantity
   Solving Expressions Involving Percentages
   Word Problems on Percentage
Profit and Loss
   Terms Related to Profit and Loss
   Problems on Finding the Gain/Loss and Gain%/Loss%
   Problems on Finding the SP of the Article
   Problems on Finding the CP of the Article
   Problems on Finding the Number of Articles
Compound Interest
   Compound Interest Compounded Annually
   Finding Time When Compound Interest Compounded Annually
   Finding Rate When Compound Interest Compounded Annually
   Finding Principal When Compound Interest Compounded Annually
   Compound Interest Compounded Half-Yearly
   Compound Interest Compounded Quarterly
   Applications of Compound Interest
Algebraic Expressions and Identities
   Operations on Algebraic Expressions
Visualising Solid Shapes
   Identifying 3-D Shapes
   Faces, Edges and Vertices of 3-D Shapes (Cuboid, Cube, Prism and Pyramid)
   Euler's Relation for 3-Dimensional Figures
   Standard Units of Area
   Area and Perimeter
   Volume and Surface Area
Exponents and Powers
   Exponent of a Rational Number
   Express Rational Numbers in Exponential Form
   Solving Expressions Involving Exponents
   Laws of Exponents
   Word Problems on Exponents
   Finding the Unknown from the Given Exponential Equation
   Standard Form of Large Numbers
   Standard Form of Small Numbers
   Operations on Large Numbers
Direct and Inverse Proportions
   Direct Proportions
   Inverse Proportions
Time and Work
   Factorization by Taking Out the Common Factor
   Factorization by Grouping
   Factorization When the Expression is a Difference of Two Squares
   Factorization When the Expression is a Perfect Square
   Factorization of Quadratic Trinomials
Introduction to Graphs
   Understanding the terms related to Graphs
   Identify the Coordinates of a Point on the Cartesian Plane
   Identify the Coordinates of the Points on X-axis, Y-axis and the Origin
   Graphs of Multiples of Different Numbers
Playing with Numbers
   Numbers in Generalized Form
   Tests of Divisibility
   Replacing Alphabets with Suitable Numbers
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